Volunteers are an important part of how we create a vibrant and involved school community! CAA families have an expectation of performing 10 volunteer hours per family per year. There are many ways to volunteer, from going on field trips to attending monthly School Council Zoom meetings!
Record your volunteer hours
Calgary Arts Academy families are required to complete at least 10 volunteer hours per school year.
Volunteering at Calgary Arts Academy can take many forms. You can volunteer in the classroom, for field trips, helping to make props, backdrops or costumes for productions as well as volunteering for special events or special projects. There are several ways you can find out about volunteer opportunities.
Many requests for volunteers are sent out by school e-mail. Requests are also e-mailed by teachers and volunteer coordinators. Attending School Council meetings is also a good way of finding out what is happening in the school and upcoming volunteer opportunities. When volunteer opportunities are posted, details of the requirements will be listed.
Whether you are volunteering on a field trip, community events hosted by School Council, in the library or for the Healthy Hunger program, volunteers are required to have a current Police Information Check on file with the school.
Volunteers in our school and /or working with students, are required to have a current (within the last three years) police check that also contains the vulnerable sector search information on file with the school. When applying you will need to provide a Volunteer Verification Letter from the school. Please contact the secretary at your child's school for a letter or if you are unsure if we have your PIC on file or email info@caaschool.com.
All volunteers must be familiar with school policies. Please refer to the "Parent & Student Handbook" above. It is important that all volunteers adhere to Calgary Arts Academy's Volunteer Code of Ethics:
Volunteer Code of Ethics:
• Volunteers must be discreet.
• Volunteers never discuss children, parents or staff outside of the school setting.
• Volunteers work in collaboration with school staff.
• Volunteers follow the requests of school staff.
• Volunteers refer discipline problems to school staff.
Volunteers are required to log their hours. Volunteer hours are tracked by your child’s name so please make sure you record this as well. Please continue to log your volunteer hours even after you have reached the 10-hour minimum requirement.