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Our Governing Board

The CAAS Board is primarily engaged in the governance of the schools and macro-management through policy and high-level activities. Daily management and operations of the schools is the responsibility of the Principal under the direction of the Superintendent.

The Board of Calgary Arts Academy Society is comprised of up to 12 Directors who:

  • Support the school vision and are committed to operating the school.

  • Have an understanding of the Arts Immersion and Curriculum delivery.

  • Focus on long-term planning and Board succession.

Board members are community members who have an interest in the Arts and who are passionate about the Arts in education and the future of Calgary Arts Academy.

The Chair of CAA School Council is appointed as a Director of the Board of Calgary Arts Academy Society. The Chair of CAA School Council is a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors:
Neil Tichkowsky, Board Chair
Josh Dalledonne, Vice Chair
Erin Wright, Co-Chair, School Council
Hayley Nichol, Co-Chair, School Council
Ken McNeill - Chair Emeritus
Doug Frenette, Director-at-Large
Mallory Graham, Director-at-Large
Jim McLeod, Director-at-Large
John McWilliams QC, Director-at-Large
Arsheel Hirji, Director-at-Large
Ross Pambrun, Director-at-Large
Anna Murphy, Director-at-Large
Jon Yee, Director-at-Large

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